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Posts tagged ‘Drumlin Country’


Young Love



Shercock (Irish: Searcóg, meaning “young love”) is a small town situated in the east of County Cavan, Ireland. The current population of the town is 1032 people with almost triple this amount in the surrounding areas (click here for directions).

Shercock is located at the intersection of the R162 and R178 regional roads. The town is located on the shores of three lakes – Lough Sillan, Steepleton’s Lake and Muddy Lake. Lough Sillan is the largest of the three covering some 162 hectares.

Lough Sillan

Lough Sillan

The town was founded in the early 17th century as a Plantation village to accommodate mainly Presbyterian British settlers who colonised this part of County Cavan. Usually these new settlers gave their towns English or Scottish names – near neighbours are Kingscourt, Cootehill, and Bailieborough – but the existing Irish names were maintained in Shercock.

By the mid-19th century the village and immediate area had a population of about 5,000. However, the great famines and subsequent emigration severely affected the county of Cavan, reducing the population by 50% between 1841 and 1891.

St.Patrick's Church

St.Patrick’s Church

The area is “Drumlin Country”, being a landscape of small hills and lakes formed at the end of the last ice age. County Cavan borders County Fermanagh and County Monaghan. Together, they form the colloquially named, “Drumlin County”. Shercock lies on the border between County Cavan and County Monaghan.

Lough Sillan, on the edge of the town, is a noted coarse fishing lake with thousands of metres of shore for free all-year angling. There are several smaller lakes within easy reach of the town. (Sorce: Wikipedia)

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